The Brown Law Firm, LLC Raises Over $3,800 for Alzheimer’s!
The team at The Brown Law Firm, LLC participated in the 2019 Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Saturday, September 14 in Denver, Colorado. It was a beautiful day to join with 4,980 other walkers representing 662 teams to help put an end to this devastating disease.
We would like to say thank you to everyone who sponsored our team – we raised over $3,800 for this organization that means so much to us. We all walked in honor of our loved ones who have been personally impacted by Alzheimer’s or other dementias. But we also walked in honor of our many clients and their families that we have helped cope with the medical and financial challenges of this progressive disease.
The Denver event raised $1,224,917 for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Although the event is over, you can still donate to our team by clicking here. To learn more about Alzheimer’s, click here.