How Hard is the Colorado Bar Exam?
To become a licensed lawyer in the state of Colorado, students must pass the Colorado Bar Exam. This is a very intensive and difficult 2-day exam that truly assesses the knowledge of each student. This Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) used in Colorado consists of three sections.
Day 1 (Morning): Multistate Essay Exam (MEE)
This 3-hour exam tests the student’s knowledge of different topics related to a wide variety of subjects such as trusts and estates, family law, agencies and partnerships, torts, conflict of laws, real property, evidence, contracts, criminal law and much more. In order to answer the 6 essay questions in the time allotted, the student must be extremely well versed in all of these topics. Even if they do not plan to practice law in some of the specialties listed, they must show a working knowledge of the law overall. This portion of the exam is worth 30% of the overall score.
Day 1 (Afternoon): Multistate Performance Test (MPT)
The day’s exam continues with the MPT. Again, students have 3 hours to craft a written communication that is commonly used by lawyers. This may involve a client letter, persuasive brief or an objective bench memo. Students will not know what type of communication will be included in the test, so they need to be prepared to effectively write all communication types. This portion of the exam is worth 20% of the overall score.
Day 2: Multistate Bar Exam (MBE)
This 6-hour exam is comprised of 200 multiple choice questions covering the topics of real property, torts, evidence, contracts, constitutional law, criminal laws and procedures. This portion of the exam is worth 50% of the overall score.
As you can imagine, passing the Bar Exam requires a lot of studying and preparation for writing essays and answering a large number of tricky questions. The Denver estate planning lawyers at The Brown Law Firm, LLC have all passed the Colorado Bar Exam by adapting the most effective methods of studying for their unique personalities and learning styles. Nicole Economy Brown, Spencer J. Crona and Sherene Stenger are all well versed in the laws of Colorado as they relate to estates and trusts so they can provide the very best estate planning recommendations for their clients. To learn more or to arrange a meeting, please contact us at (303) 339-3750 or send us a message online.